Beautiful October


I decided to come back to blogging on this month of October because, not only is it my birthday month, but it is also the month of change and new beginnings.  This month embodies many things.  It’s the month that Mother Nature chose to let us know that winter is upon us, the leaves continue to change, the weather begins to get a little cooler and the holiday season goes into full throttle mode.  It’s also a time when  most of us begin to reflect on the changes that we may want to make in our own lives.  As I look at the social climate of today, the one thing that I wish everyone would embody more of is Love.

Love is a powerful entity…THE most powerful in my opinion.  Love is what this world needs more of, and with so much devastation going on in the world right now, empathetic hearts and souls are needed in multitude.  We have to cease hating ourselves, our lives, our choices, and our environment.  Ceasing in projecting that hate onto others is needed as well.  Hate, like fear, is a powerful thing; but nothing and I mean nothing is more powerful than Love.  If you believe that God is Love, then you should understand just how powerful and merciful Love is.  The more we stray away from God, the more we stray away from Love.  I hear people say all the time, ‘I’m not into religion’ and I can understand that.  However, we must remember that God and religion are not the same, so never confuse the two.  Therefore, don’t hesitate to get in (or back in) touch with your spiritual selves and become more Loving today than you were yesterday.  When you Love yourself, you Love others…and you begin to show Love toward others.  Giving someone a smile, a polite compliment, a nice gesture or any act of kindness doesn’t cost a thing, but you will be surprised how it can make such a difference.  We use the word Love all the time, but how many of us consistently  live in Love, think in Love and act in Love?  I can honestly say that I am not one who does it consistently and for that I am ashamed, but I do it more than I use to.  I often smile at strangers (an unusual thing when living in New York),  assist a multi-tasking mother with her stroller and I think the best act of Love I am beginning to show on a daily basis is patience.  That is challenging to do when living in this fast pace society, but having patience is a beautiful thing.  I wish that I could exercise patience in other facets of my life, because if I did maybe I wouldn’t feel as unaccomplished as I sometimes do.  But I do understand the importance of patience and how it can be life changing.

I challenge all of you to become more conscious on your thoughts, words and actions.  Put Love in your heart and watch it manifest in your life!

Published in: on October 2, 2017 at 4:44 pm  Leave a Comment