What Should I Eat?

 I ask this question because with so many foods now containing GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms), I may have to go on a peppermint diet.  With GMO’s actually being put in animal feed, crop seeds being genetically altered, and no labels to warn us, we could be eating foods containing GMO’s and not even know it. 

I personally don’t like anything going into my body, not knowing exactly how it could affect me.  I am by no means a health fanatic; I eat red meat, drink alcohol and I love bread and real butter, but I try to consume it all in moderation because I know too much of any of it, isn’t good for me.  But what about almonds, spinach, apples and other various foods that are supposed to be good for me?  Due to genetically altering seeds, even if I decide to grow my own fruits and vegetables, I need to be careful to not order my seeds from a company who invests in, and/or is for, genetically modified foods.

In various animals that were tested, studies have shown that foods containing GMO’s have caused birth defects as well as severe hormonal changes.  Severe hormonal changes?!  I don’t want to say the wrong thing, but I would hate to go on a “health diet” only to end up with facial hair and a penis.  But the biggest problem is that these foods could literally be the beginning of the end for the human race.  Many studies have shown that foods containing GMO’s have led to infertility and other reproductive problems among other things.For example:

·         A 2009 Brazilian study found that female rats fed GM soy for 15 months showed significant changes in their uterus and reproductive cycle, compared to rats fed organic soy or those raised without soy. The glyphosate in the soybeans is believed to be the cause of the problem as it throws off the delicate hormonal balance that governs the whole reproductive cycle.

·         In a 2009 French study , scientists discovered that glyphosate can kill the cells in the outer layer of the human placenta (the trophoblast membrane), which in turn can kill the placenta. Only 1/500th the amount needed to kill weeds was able to kill the cells. The amount is so small, according to the study authors, the “residual levels to be expected, especially in food and feed derived from [Roundup] formulation-treated crops” could be enough to “cause cell damage and even [cell] death.”

·         A Canadian epidemiological study, which looked at nearly 4,000 pregnancies in 1,898 couples, women exposed to glyphosate during the three months before getting pregnant had a significantly higher risk of miscarriages, especially for those above 34 years of age. Fathers who were exposed to glyphosate before their wives got pregnant showed an increase in early delivery and spontaneous abortions.

·         A study on male rabbits showed that glyphosate can cause a reduction in sexual activity and sperm concentration, and an increase in dead or abnormal sperm.

·         In 2005, Irina Ermakova with the Russian National Academy of Sciences reported that more than half the babies from mother rats fed GM soy died within three weeks. This was also five times higher than the 10 percent death rate of the non-GMO soy group. The babies in the GM group were also smaller and could not reproduce. When Ermakova fed male rats GM soy, their testicles changed from the normal pink to dark blue.

·         Italian scientists similarly found changes in mice testes (PDF), including damaged young sperm cells. Furthermore, the DNA of embryos from parent mice fed GM soy functioned differently.

So now that I have your attention, you may be asking yourself, how do I know if the food I purchase contain GMO’s?  Well you don’t know because right now legislation is trying to pass a bill as to whether or not foods should be labeled as having GMO’s (go figure).  But until then, the best way to try to not consume hormone contaminated food is to purchase food with the 100% USDA Organic label.  Foods that are 100% organic must meet the following criteria via the USDA to be in the “100 percent organic” category: All ingredients must be certified organic. Any processing aids must be organic. Product labels must state the name of the certifying agent on the information panel. May include USDA organic seal and/or 100 percent organic claim. Must identify organic ingredients (e.g., organic dill) or via asterisk or other mark. Now we all know that the organic foods are more expensive, but either you pay now or pay later.  In this case, I’ll pay the money the up front, because I don’t think that ObamaCare covers surgery for penis removal.

To learn more about GMO’s please visit this website.



Published in: on September 27, 2013 at 2:25 pm  Comments (4)  

History Made!

Ariel LeBeau for Fuse

Ariel LeBeau for Fuse

Big Freedia bounced his way into the Guinness Book of World Records today. With over 300 people simultaneously twerking to Big Freedia’s hit song, history was made today in NYC!  History was not only made for the current dance craze, but history was made for the long standing culture of Bounce music.

Published in: on September 25, 2013 at 4:49 pm  Leave a Comment  

A Self-Righteous, Holier-than-Thou, Self-Loathing Bitch!

I’m talking about someone I know and I want to warn my readers to be aware of, and stay away from other self-righteous, holier-than-thou, self-loathing and know-every-damn-thing bitches.  You know those people who are so good at bullshitting, they can actually explain why the sky is blue?!  Now if you don’t know what to look for, I’ve provided a warning list below.  Look out for these characteristics and if you meet someone with one or more of these characteristics, run like hell!  These are the type of folks I’m speaking of:

  1. Those who have such a tough exterior, but are nothing but insecure mush on the inside.
  2. Those who claim they never cheat, but stay in over-lapping relationships.
  3. Those who can clearly see others mistakes and mishaps, yet have blurred vision when looking at their own.
  4. Those who pretend to walk on water, but know damn well they are falling down a flight of stairs.
  5. Those who stay ‘getting money’, but are always broke when it’s time to go out.
  6. Those who are worried about their ‘image’, yet are not even on the status of a local celebrity.
  7. Those who stay talking shit but are never doing shit.
  8. Those who pretend to be one step ahead of everyone else, but are actually 5 steps behind.
  9. Those who borrow money & never pay it back, yet tell you that you’ve never helped them with anything.
  10. Those who when told about the problems they have listed above, they tell you “too late, I’ve already solved them!”

And if you happen to have one or more of these characteristics, please start some fucking introspection and start watching “Iylana: Fix My Life” because you have some work to do.

Published in: on September 24, 2013 at 3:10 pm  Comments (3)  

5,4,3,2,1…Make that Ass sound Like a Gun!


Not too many people know this about me, but I’m a huge, huge fan of Southern rap music…ALL southern rap music.  Especially, that New Orleans Bounce music and those New Orleans rump shakers.  For those who don’t know, I’m from the south, but I now live in Brooklyn and living in Brooklyn means that  southern rap music, especially underground southern rap music, gets little if any, local radio airplay!  I truly miss hearing that ass shaking music and believe me, Pandora can be of little help.  So when I found out via Facebook that the New Orleans bounce artist, Big Freedia (The Queen Diva) will be in NYC tomorrow to set a world record bounce/twerk attempt, I said to myself, “Awww shit now, you have to be a part of this!”  So tomorrow at 12:00 noon on 34th Street Herald Square, I will be there bouncin’ to that New ‘Awlins sound I grew up on and know oh so well.    I will be there to pay homage to my Southern roots, I will be there for all of the bounce artists who hoped for this mainstream moment, but are no longer here with us (R.I.P) and I will be there to support Big Freedia.  But most of all, I will be there to shake my ass!

To learn more about Big Freedia click here.  Also tune in to Fuse TV on October 2nd to watch Big Freedia’s new reality show “Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce”.

Published in: on September 24, 2013 at 12:24 pm  Leave a Comment  

And Just When You Thought It Was Over….

So, I know that I’ve been gone for a while, but summer is ending and it’s time to get back to business.  For these past two months, I’ve been brainstorming and trying to figure out how I can make this blog better, livelier and more interactive.  Even though there were so many topics in the news that were to be discussed, for some reason, I was still feeling uninspired.  But it’s always the unexpected occurrences that leads to the most profound inspiration.  With that being said, my creative and inspirational juices are flowing once more. 

Therefore, I would like to let you know that the format of my blog will be changing a little.  I will still continue to discuss subject matter from a third eye observation, because that’s just who I am and what I love to do.  For me, discussing things from a non-traditional point of view is second nature to me, almost like breathing, therefore that aspect of my blog will never change.  However, the format of what I discuss will change, as well as how I discuss it.  Most of my topics are serious, but strangely enough, I find humor in the most serious subject matter.  This is what I will start to inject in some of my discussions.  I just hope that when I do, no offense is taken, because most times, the truth is funnier than fiction. Also, if there are any topics that you guys would like to get my opinion on, let me know.

So please note, that I will be blogging more and bringing interesting stories to the masses, all the while giving my honest, serious, yet funny third-eye point of view. 

Published in: on September 10, 2013 at 12:56 pm  Leave a Comment