I’m Baaack!!!!

I know that I haven’t posted anything for a few months, but I took a little time off to reflect, refocus and re-energize myself for this upcoming year.  The Year of The Dragon will be one to remember, at least for me anyway!

In these past few months, so many current events has occurred, both in and out of the headlines.  There were many events that I would’ve blogged about, but there are times when observation becomes the only way to elevate our intellect, as well as cultivate our opinions.  So that was what I decided to do…observe my surroundings and internalize my thoughts and opinions.   By educating myself through travel and experience, I have changed both personally & professionally.   Change is something I, not only look forward to, but embrace.  It the one thing that is necessary to evolve, and evolution means growth.

So let’s get ready for a new year of intellectual topics, discussions and observations from a Third Eye View!

Published in: on January 25, 2012 at 10:52 am  Comments (1)