Beautiful October


I decided to come back to blogging on this month of October because, not only is it my birthday month, but it is also the month of change and new beginnings.  This month embodies many things.  It’s the month that Mother Nature chose to let us know that winter is upon us, the leaves continue to change, the weather begins to get a little cooler and the holiday season goes into full throttle mode.  It’s also a time when  most of us begin to reflect on the changes that we may want to make in our own lives.  As I look at the social climate of today, the one thing that I wish everyone would embody more of is Love.

Love is a powerful entity…THE most powerful in my opinion.  Love is what this world needs more of, and with so much devastation going on in the world right now, empathetic hearts and souls are needed in multitude.  We have to cease hating ourselves, our lives, our choices, and our environment.  Ceasing in projecting that hate onto others is needed as well.  Hate, like fear, is a powerful thing; but nothing and I mean nothing is more powerful than Love.  If you believe that God is Love, then you should understand just how powerful and merciful Love is.  The more we stray away from God, the more we stray away from Love.  I hear people say all the time, ‘I’m not into religion’ and I can understand that.  However, we must remember that God and religion are not the same, so never confuse the two.  Therefore, don’t hesitate to get in (or back in) touch with your spiritual selves and become more Loving today than you were yesterday.  When you Love yourself, you Love others…and you begin to show Love toward others.  Giving someone a smile, a polite compliment, a nice gesture or any act of kindness doesn’t cost a thing, but you will be surprised how it can make such a difference.  We use the word Love all the time, but how many of us consistently  live in Love, think in Love and act in Love?  I can honestly say that I am not one who does it consistently and for that I am ashamed, but I do it more than I use to.  I often smile at strangers (an unusual thing when living in New York),  assist a multi-tasking mother with her stroller and I think the best act of Love I am beginning to show on a daily basis is patience.  That is challenging to do when living in this fast pace society, but having patience is a beautiful thing.  I wish that I could exercise patience in other facets of my life, because if I did maybe I wouldn’t feel as unaccomplished as I sometimes do.  But I do understand the importance of patience and how it can be life changing.

I challenge all of you to become more conscious on your thoughts, words and actions.  Put Love in your heart and watch it manifest in your life!

Published in: on October 2, 2017 at 4:44 pm  Leave a Comment  

Guess Who’s Back?!

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m back and better than ever!  I’ve taken a necessary hiatus from this blog, but due to the current social climate I’ve decided to relaunch this blog.  Starting in October, I will go back to writing articles based on that Third Eye Point of View.  I have so much to say and so much to share.  So stay tuned and go tell your friends about it because things around here are about to go galactic!

Who Would Have Thought?!


The government isn’t playing with these corrupted politicians any longer.  No mercy was shown to former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick today.  For he was sentenced to 28 years behind bars for his conviction on corruption charges, in which he schemed the city of Detroit out of an estimate $4.6 million.  Good Lord, 28 years for taking cream off the top of the pie?!

Well Judge Nancy Edmunds, felt as though the sentence fit the crime due to the fact that Kilpatrick and his longtime friend, and contractor for the city, Bobby Ferguson defrauded Detroit with their kick-back schemes which included racketeering conspiracy, fraud, extortion and tax crimes.  Edmunds stated that It was the citizens of Detroit who suffered,  which is why she handed down the 28 year sentenced that was requested by the prosecution.  Kilpatrick attorneys argued that he should be shown some leniency based on the good deeds he did do while being the mayor of Detroit.  Kilpatrick’s attorneys reminded that Judge, that it was during his years in office that the city prospered, due in part to the fact that the 2005 baseball All-Star game and 2006 Super Bowl was held there, in addition to the fact that he passed small business bills which allowed the growth of 75 new small businesses to open within the city.  Edmunds however, retorted and stated that he should not be given a pat on the back for doing the job that he was elected to do (tell that to Congress).   As we know, the city of Detroit filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy back in July, so I do believe that he should have been given more than a slap on the wrist, but 28 years to a former Mayor who’s been out of office for over 5 years?    Kilpatrick resigned as mayor back in 2008 over a sex scandal involving explicit text messages as well as having an extra marital affair.   Now please understand that in no way do I condone any corrupted politician, but let’s face it, Kilpatrick is not the sole culprit of Detroit’s historic bankruptcy.  I think Harold Gurewitz and Margaret Raben summed it up best when they stated, The government’s attempt to roll the city of Detroit’s 2013 bankruptcy filing into the … case oversimplifies the complex problems that Detroit has faced for more than five decades. 

The downfall of Detroit occurred long before Kilpatrick, and unfortunately, he made a big mistake by being part of the problem instead of being part of the solution.  Someone has to pay the piper, and Kilpatrick was handed a stiff sentence for a stupid mistake.

Published in: on October 10, 2013 at 3:50 pm  Leave a Comment  

Are You Ready?


Behind closed doors, many people have always claimed that Christianity was a ‘man-made’ religion.  but on October 19, 2013 some of the world’s leading Biblical scholars will state (and try to convince all) on an open forum in London that the myth is real.  So are you ready to have an open mind to the possibility of this?  If you are, how many people do you know who are not ready?  Click here to read the article.

It’s a very interesting article, but I thought that Bill Maher proved this theory in his 2008 documentary Religulous.  Did people not pay attention because he’s a brilliant comedian?  Also, he’s not the first person to bring this issue to the forefront.  I just wonder how many times this subject matter will be discussed before it is understood that people will believe what they want to believe.

Regardless of what is ‘proven’ I know many people who will still flock to Cathedrals during Mass.  Many people who will continue to light a candle for his or her patron Saint.  Many people who will be in Churches this Sunday to receive the “word”.  When something is deeply rooted into your consciousness and the very fabric of your everyday life, it’s very difficult to break away from it, much less believe that it was never true.  It’s hard to convince people that Global Warming exist, so how are scholars going to convince them that Jesus doesn’t exist?  Read the article and tell me what you think.



Published in: on October 9, 2013 at 11:41 am  Leave a Comment  

A Self-Righteous, Holier-than-Thou, Self-Loathing Bitch!

I’m talking about someone I know and I want to warn my readers to be aware of, and stay away from other self-righteous, holier-than-thou, self-loathing and know-every-damn-thing bitches.  You know those people who are so good at bullshitting, they can actually explain why the sky is blue?!  Now if you don’t know what to look for, I’ve provided a warning list below.  Look out for these characteristics and if you meet someone with one or more of these characteristics, run like hell!  These are the type of folks I’m speaking of:

  1. Those who have such a tough exterior, but are nothing but insecure mush on the inside.
  2. Those who claim they never cheat, but stay in over-lapping relationships.
  3. Those who can clearly see others mistakes and mishaps, yet have blurred vision when looking at their own.
  4. Those who pretend to walk on water, but know damn well they are falling down a flight of stairs.
  5. Those who stay ‘getting money’, but are always broke when it’s time to go out.
  6. Those who are worried about their ‘image’, yet are not even on the status of a local celebrity.
  7. Those who stay talking shit but are never doing shit.
  8. Those who pretend to be one step ahead of everyone else, but are actually 5 steps behind.
  9. Those who borrow money & never pay it back, yet tell you that you’ve never helped them with anything.
  10. Those who when told about the problems they have listed above, they tell you “too late, I’ve already solved them!”

And if you happen to have one or more of these characteristics, please start some fucking introspection and start watching “Iylana: Fix My Life” because you have some work to do.

Published in: on September 24, 2013 at 3:10 pm  Comments (3)  

And Just When You Thought It Was Over….

So, I know that I’ve been gone for a while, but summer is ending and it’s time to get back to business.  For these past two months, I’ve been brainstorming and trying to figure out how I can make this blog better, livelier and more interactive.  Even though there were so many topics in the news that were to be discussed, for some reason, I was still feeling uninspired.  But it’s always the unexpected occurrences that leads to the most profound inspiration.  With that being said, my creative and inspirational juices are flowing once more. 

Therefore, I would like to let you know that the format of my blog will be changing a little.  I will still continue to discuss subject matter from a third eye observation, because that’s just who I am and what I love to do.  For me, discussing things from a non-traditional point of view is second nature to me, almost like breathing, therefore that aspect of my blog will never change.  However, the format of what I discuss will change, as well as how I discuss it.  Most of my topics are serious, but strangely enough, I find humor in the most serious subject matter.  This is what I will start to inject in some of my discussions.  I just hope that when I do, no offense is taken, because most times, the truth is funnier than fiction. Also, if there are any topics that you guys would like to get my opinion on, let me know.

So please note, that I will be blogging more and bringing interesting stories to the masses, all the while giving my honest, serious, yet funny third-eye point of view. 

Published in: on September 10, 2013 at 12:56 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

After George Zimmerman was found not guilty of the murder of Trayvon Martin, a dear friend of mine, said that famous phrase to me.  A phrase penned by the late Gil Scott-Heron.   A phrase  that many have heard growing up, a phrase that faded, but a phrase that has now been brought back to the forefront. In the aftermath of the verdict, a spark of demonstrations and conversations about gun control, race relations and societal obligation have ensued all over the world.  But now that the dialogue has begun, I will not ask anyone how they feel about race relations in America. I will not ask anyone what they think about race relations in America.  I will not ask anyone about gun laws in America.  I will only ask everyone, what will you do to change race relations in America?  What role will you play in the  solution to help stop the killing of innocent children and young Black men in America?  What changes will you make in the way you treat your fellow-man?  These are the questions that I too am trying to answer, because I know that unless I become a part of the  solution, I like many of you, will remain a part of the problem.

Dialogue is needed for action and action is needed for change.  One definition of a Revolution is:  A sudden or momentous change in a situation.  There are many situations in America where changes are needed for the betterment of this country.  And not all revolutions are violent, not all revolutions are peaceful, but all revolutions are needed for momentous change to occur.  As I stated before, I have started to ask myself what part shall I play in the revolution that’s now needed.  Maybe, writing this article is my first step.   But now I ask you, what will be yours?  If you don’t know, figure it out because as the phrase states, The Revolution will not be televised…The Revolution will be live. 

Published in: on July 15, 2013 at 4:53 pm  Comments (2)  

To Thine Own Self be True on this Valentine’s Day

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
  Thou canst not then be false to any man.
    Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!

–William Shakespeare (Hamlet Act 1, Scene 3, 78-81)

In the play Hamlet, the famous line To thine own self be true, is Polonius’ last piece of advice to his son Laertes who is in a hurry to get on the next boat to Paris, where he can finally get away from his father’s long-winded speeches.  If you’ve read the play,  you know that Polonius is speaking of something much more than the New Age self-knowledge which the phrase now suggests. As Polonius sees it, borrowing money, loaning money, carousing with those of dubious character and other immoderate pursuits, will allow one to be false to thy self. In my opinion, by being false, Polonius seems to mean to be disadvantageous or detrimental to your image; by being true, he means to be loyal to your own best interests. Take care of yourself first, he counsels, and that way you’ll be in a position to take care of others. As we all know, there is much wisdom in the father’s warning to his son.

This wisdom is something that we should all begin to strive for and live by.  It makes for better relationships, friendships and above all else, character.  To give falsely or to take falsely, is to live falsely! To live falsely is not only a disservice to yourself, but it is a profound disservice to your spirit.  It’s a disservice to those who care for you, to those who depend on you, to those who confide in you and to those who are in a position to help you (i.e. your clique).  It is a total disservice to your entire reason of being.  We were not created in the false image of our Creator; we were created in the true image of our Creator.

So on this Valentine’s Day, let us start by being true to our own self.  On this special day of Love, the greatest gift we can give or take, is the gift of truth and honesty to self.  It is only then that we will be able to shine truth on others.  And like you, I have plenty of work ahead of me:-)

Published in: on February 14, 2013 at 12:58 pm  Leave a Comment  


What a date to remember.  Revel in the fact that we are all truly a part of history today.  Never again (that’s right, NEVER) will the universe have another repetitive date.  What a remarkable moment to be alive, living and breathing in this space and time.  Knowing that one day in the far future, someone is going to wish that they were here “just to see what it was like.”  So remember this day and seize the moments of today (and everyday), because it will never come again.

Published in: on December 12, 2012 at 9:37 pm  Comments (1)  

I’m Baaack!!!!

I know that I haven’t posted anything for a few months, but I took a little time off to reflect, refocus and re-energize myself for this upcoming year.  The Year of The Dragon will be one to remember, at least for me anyway!

In these past few months, so many current events has occurred, both in and out of the headlines.  There were many events that I would’ve blogged about, but there are times when observation becomes the only way to elevate our intellect, as well as cultivate our opinions.  So that was what I decided to do…observe my surroundings and internalize my thoughts and opinions.   By educating myself through travel and experience, I have changed both personally & professionally.   Change is something I, not only look forward to, but embrace.  It the one thing that is necessary to evolve, and evolution means growth.

So let’s get ready for a new year of intellectual topics, discussions and observations from a Third Eye View!

Published in: on January 25, 2012 at 10:52 am  Comments (1)