Guess Who’s Back?!

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m back and better than ever!  I’ve taken a necessary hiatus from this blog, but due to the current social climate I’ve decided to relaunch this blog.  Starting in October, I will go back to writing articles based on that Third Eye Point of View.  I have so much to say and so much to share.  So stay tuned and go tell your friends about it because things around here are about to go galactic!

Are You Ready?


Behind closed doors, many people have always claimed that Christianity was a ‘man-made’ religion.  but on October 19, 2013 some of the world’s leading Biblical scholars will state (and try to convince all) on an open forum in London that the myth is real.  So are you ready to have an open mind to the possibility of this?  If you are, how many people do you know who are not ready?  Click here to read the article.

It’s a very interesting article, but I thought that Bill Maher proved this theory in his 2008 documentary Religulous.  Did people not pay attention because he’s a brilliant comedian?  Also, he’s not the first person to bring this issue to the forefront.  I just wonder how many times this subject matter will be discussed before it is understood that people will believe what they want to believe.

Regardless of what is ‘proven’ I know many people who will still flock to Cathedrals during Mass.  Many people who will continue to light a candle for his or her patron Saint.  Many people who will be in Churches this Sunday to receive the “word”.  When something is deeply rooted into your consciousness and the very fabric of your everyday life, it’s very difficult to break away from it, much less believe that it was never true.  It’s hard to convince people that Global Warming exist, so how are scholars going to convince them that Jesus doesn’t exist?  Read the article and tell me what you think.



Published in: on October 9, 2013 at 11:41 am  Leave a Comment  

What Should I Eat?

 I ask this question because with so many foods now containing GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms), I may have to go on a peppermint diet.  With GMO’s actually being put in animal feed, crop seeds being genetically altered, and no labels to warn us, we could be eating foods containing GMO’s and not even know it. 

I personally don’t like anything going into my body, not knowing exactly how it could affect me.  I am by no means a health fanatic; I eat red meat, drink alcohol and I love bread and real butter, but I try to consume it all in moderation because I know too much of any of it, isn’t good for me.  But what about almonds, spinach, apples and other various foods that are supposed to be good for me?  Due to genetically altering seeds, even if I decide to grow my own fruits and vegetables, I need to be careful to not order my seeds from a company who invests in, and/or is for, genetically modified foods.

In various animals that were tested, studies have shown that foods containing GMO’s have caused birth defects as well as severe hormonal changes.  Severe hormonal changes?!  I don’t want to say the wrong thing, but I would hate to go on a “health diet” only to end up with facial hair and a penis.  But the biggest problem is that these foods could literally be the beginning of the end for the human race.  Many studies have shown that foods containing GMO’s have led to infertility and other reproductive problems among other things.For example:

·         A 2009 Brazilian study found that female rats fed GM soy for 15 months showed significant changes in their uterus and reproductive cycle, compared to rats fed organic soy or those raised without soy. The glyphosate in the soybeans is believed to be the cause of the problem as it throws off the delicate hormonal balance that governs the whole reproductive cycle.

·         In a 2009 French study , scientists discovered that glyphosate can kill the cells in the outer layer of the human placenta (the trophoblast membrane), which in turn can kill the placenta. Only 1/500th the amount needed to kill weeds was able to kill the cells. The amount is so small, according to the study authors, the “residual levels to be expected, especially in food and feed derived from [Roundup] formulation-treated crops” could be enough to “cause cell damage and even [cell] death.”

·         A Canadian epidemiological study, which looked at nearly 4,000 pregnancies in 1,898 couples, women exposed to glyphosate during the three months before getting pregnant had a significantly higher risk of miscarriages, especially for those above 34 years of age. Fathers who were exposed to glyphosate before their wives got pregnant showed an increase in early delivery and spontaneous abortions.

·         A study on male rabbits showed that glyphosate can cause a reduction in sexual activity and sperm concentration, and an increase in dead or abnormal sperm.

·         In 2005, Irina Ermakova with the Russian National Academy of Sciences reported that more than half the babies from mother rats fed GM soy died within three weeks. This was also five times higher than the 10 percent death rate of the non-GMO soy group. The babies in the GM group were also smaller and could not reproduce. When Ermakova fed male rats GM soy, their testicles changed from the normal pink to dark blue.

·         Italian scientists similarly found changes in mice testes (PDF), including damaged young sperm cells. Furthermore, the DNA of embryos from parent mice fed GM soy functioned differently.

So now that I have your attention, you may be asking yourself, how do I know if the food I purchase contain GMO’s?  Well you don’t know because right now legislation is trying to pass a bill as to whether or not foods should be labeled as having GMO’s (go figure).  But until then, the best way to try to not consume hormone contaminated food is to purchase food with the 100% USDA Organic label.  Foods that are 100% organic must meet the following criteria via the USDA to be in the “100 percent organic” category: All ingredients must be certified organic. Any processing aids must be organic. Product labels must state the name of the certifying agent on the information panel. May include USDA organic seal and/or 100 percent organic claim. Must identify organic ingredients (e.g., organic dill) or via asterisk or other mark. Now we all know that the organic foods are more expensive, but either you pay now or pay later.  In this case, I’ll pay the money the up front, because I don’t think that ObamaCare covers surgery for penis removal.

To learn more about GMO’s please visit this website.



Published in: on September 27, 2013 at 2:25 pm  Comments (4)  

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

After George Zimmerman was found not guilty of the murder of Trayvon Martin, a dear friend of mine, said that famous phrase to me.  A phrase penned by the late Gil Scott-Heron.   A phrase  that many have heard growing up, a phrase that faded, but a phrase that has now been brought back to the forefront. In the aftermath of the verdict, a spark of demonstrations and conversations about gun control, race relations and societal obligation have ensued all over the world.  But now that the dialogue has begun, I will not ask anyone how they feel about race relations in America. I will not ask anyone what they think about race relations in America.  I will not ask anyone about gun laws in America.  I will only ask everyone, what will you do to change race relations in America?  What role will you play in the  solution to help stop the killing of innocent children and young Black men in America?  What changes will you make in the way you treat your fellow-man?  These are the questions that I too am trying to answer, because I know that unless I become a part of the  solution, I like many of you, will remain a part of the problem.

Dialogue is needed for action and action is needed for change.  One definition of a Revolution is:  A sudden or momentous change in a situation.  There are many situations in America where changes are needed for the betterment of this country.  And not all revolutions are violent, not all revolutions are peaceful, but all revolutions are needed for momentous change to occur.  As I stated before, I have started to ask myself what part shall I play in the revolution that’s now needed.  Maybe, writing this article is my first step.   But now I ask you, what will be yours?  If you don’t know, figure it out because as the phrase states, The Revolution will not be televised…The Revolution will be live. 

Published in: on July 15, 2013 at 4:53 pm  Comments (2)  

A Change Gone Come….

As artists, we have the platform to bring awareness to the masses.  It is a position that should be taken seriously by those who deem themselves as artists.  Anything less is unforgivable.

In the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin tragedy, Sinead O’Connor wrote a prolific letter.  I want to Thank Ms. O’Connor for her words of truth and wisdom.   Click here to read.

Published in: on March 29, 2012 at 1:52 pm  Leave a Comment  

Denzel Washington Donates $2 million to Fordham

Actor and philanthropist Denzel Washington has donated $2 million to Fordham University undergraduate acting program.  The 1977 Fordham University graduate said  in a statement,  “I wanted to create the Denzel Washington Endowed Scholarship and Chair in Theatre at Fordham in order to offer the next generation of students positive influences. Phylicia Rashad, as the inaugural holder of the chair, will provide the care, compassion and that extra push to help take students where they’re meant to go.”  Rashad, a Tony-award winning actress,  has started teaching the course ‘Creating A Character’ at Fordham.

Fordham University is hoping to announce a recipient for the scholarship this fall.  It’s good to see Denzel giving back in a big way.

Published in: on October 6, 2011 at 11:09 am  Comments (1)  

The End of An Icon

Steve Jobs the founder of Apple, died peacefully at his home last night surrounded by family.  This is the end of an era as we know it.   An innovator well ahead of his time, we can now only wonder what the technological future holds for all of us.  He saw what the 21st century could become back in late 1970’s and made his vision a global reality.

Steve Jobs was one of the greatest innovators in the history of technological invention.  Keeping up with technology, having the latest tech gadgets and being technologically advanced all became a cool thing to do and be because of Jobs.  How will anyone measure up to that?  They won’t.

His death is a loss to us all.  He changed the way we saw and currently see, the future.  He made us realize that the future is now.  Everyday living was no longer the same because of him and our technical future will no longer be the same without him.

Published in: on October 6, 2011 at 9:50 am  Leave a Comment  

As of late, I’ve been engulfing myself with knowledge for the betterment of myself.  There are so many things I want to accomplish and I had to come up with a plan to do it–all!!  The problem was that there was too much mental clutter going on inside my head for me think clearly.  So what does a girl like me do?  Clutter my brain with self-help knowledge that would assist me with de-cluttering my brain with the unnecessary knowledge and the planted seeds of doubt, holding me back from reaching my goals.  It may sound crazy, but I’m now back on track!

The two books that have forever changed my way of thinking are listed below.  Please get a copy, so you to can get on track to your true journey, which we call life.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay  






Key to Living the Law of Attraction by Jack Canfield and D.D. Watkins

Published in: on July 26, 2011 at 3:53 pm  Leave a Comment  

Joyeux Quatorze Juillet!

In celebration of Bastille Week taking place in NYC, I wanted to wish all of my French patrons a grand and marvelous celebration.  Click here for more info.

Published in: on July 15, 2011 at 4:04 pm  Leave a Comment  

The House Balmain Is Building

The Fashion House of Balmain has recently announced the appointment of  Olivier Rousteing as its new designer.  Balmain’s website states:  Mr. Rousteing will supervise the design and development of the brand’s men’s and women’s ready-to-wear collections.  For those of you who don’t realize what a historic mark this is, let me just say that some color has been added to this fashion house.

Olivier Rousteing

Olivier Rousteing is of a biracial background.  He was born in France, placed in an orphanage and later adopted by a family that raised him in the Bordeaux region of France. And even though he doesn’t know the exact origins of his birth parents, he identifies himself as a person of a mixed race, having a black and white racial background.  This is significant in a country where the growth of racial diversity has caused anxiety over the ever-changing definition of  French identity.  Much of this anxiety has caused violent protests over the past few years.  This is why Rousteing’s appointment is significant, it shows that progress is in the making.  He himself is an example of the generational changes taking place in French society.

Many people of color are accomplished members of the French ateliers and produce skilled handiwork that is the hallmark of couture.  But having a young biracial man of color  being appointed as the caretaker of an historic French brand that was established by Pierre Balmain in 1945, is not only a rarity, but a pivotal moment in fashion history and French history.  As they say, ‘history repeats itself’, and it seems as if we may be re-embarking on an era of when people of color such as Alexandre Dumas with his literary genius, the Creoles of color and African-Americans during the 19th and 20th century who brought both skilled artisan work, literary contributions and musical staples to a country that prides itself on being the most refined and romantic place of all, will again be openly accepted and grandly appreciated.

Whether or not the Balmain fashion house will thrive under the direction of Rousteing is yet to be seen (I faithfully believe that it will), it has already thrived in future history books of fashion once again.

Published in: on April 28, 2011 at 12:01 pm  Comments (2)